Initiative: "What youth soaks in, trumps old age - together we create our future".
Originator: Dariusz Napiórkowski - Chairman of the Parent Council at the Education and Upbringing Complex in Strzała
Location: Strzała, the Educational Complex
Date of implementation: 09/2015-07/2016
Description of problem encountered: Due to the lack of suitable bins that could be set up on the premises of the Educational and Educational Complex in Strzała, the segregation of rubbish was limited. Pupils also did not see the need to use manure from natural sources and did not have the skills to create home composters.

Space for a school garden
- purchase of 4 sets of waste separation bins;
- preparing a lecture for pupils during teaching hours and an assembly to mark the occasion;
- organise an information meeting with the school staff during a pedagogical council meeting;
- preparation of a place for a 12×6 m composter on the school grounds and familiarisation of the local community with its operation - it is planned to use the composter to fertilise the garden and green areas;
- a teaching garden will be created around the school with 250 pieces of annual plants, 50 pieces of perennial shrubs, which will be labelled with special plates with their genus and species name;
- purchase of atlases - plant identification keys.

Planned results: Through the implementation of the initiative, it will be possible to reduce the amount of unsegregated rubbish by half. The amount of waste paper collected will also increase. Thanks to the nature garden, a cyclical environmental programme will be run in an effective way to broaden natural and ecological knowledge in a practical manner. Practical participation and observation of nature's cycles in the created garden will enable pupils to become familiar with the changes in nature that occur during the seasons and care for the garden. If an attitude of dealing with waste through composting is developed in the children from an early age, this could result in similar behaviour in their households in the future.

Both investment and educational measures were carried out as part of the initiative "What's young, is old - we create our future together".
Containers for waste segregation were purchased and placed in school corridors.
A reorganisation of the composter was carried out, followed by a talk for parents on the use of composters, as well as the rules for preparing them and the benefits of having them.
The site for the school garden was prepared. Fencing, rabbays and paths were made. garden plants and the necessary protective measures and basic garden tools were purchased. Teachers worked together with pupils to plant the plants.
In addition, botanical atlases and plant identification keys were purchased.
The garden was marked with educational boards.