Initiative: 'Social apiary'.
Originator: Monar Association
Location: Sobolew
Implementation date: 02/2016-10/2016
Description of the problem encountered: The situation of bees throughout the country is difficult. The Monar Association - has a property that is unused, which at the same time could become an ideal place for an apiary. The wards of the Monar Association are homeless and the poorest people who need to be activated professionally. There is also a strong need to combat social exclusion and integrate the local community.
- an introductory meeting for participants to the project and the purchase of beehives;
- establishment of a beehive plant - Thuringian hemlock;
- setting up of purchased beehives and populating them with bees under professional supervision;
- workshops on "Life of the bee colony", "Rules and terms of work in the apiary", "Honey harvesting", "Reproduction and rearing of bee queens", "Closing of the season";
- "Bee Party" - first honey harvest;
- harvesting of seeds and dry matter from the Thuringian hemlock plantation.
Results: The direct participants will gain knowledge on how to run an apiary and harvest honey, as well as how to establish a plantation of Turing mallow and other melliferous plants. These people, hitherto socially and professionally excluded, will be activated and made responsible for the care of the hives and will learn new methods of exploiting the potential of the countryside. In addition, the initiative will increase the honeybee population, create a bee forage that will also benefit wild pollinators. The insects will contribute to increased pollination of plants in the immediate area (wild plants, kitchen gardens, agricultural crops), and the popularisation of the bee and the increase in its population will improve the environment.
The 'Social apiary' initiative of the Monar Association is implemented as part of the project 'Local ecological civic initiatives - together for the environment' of the Foundation for the Development of Polish Agriculture and financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
As part of the "Social apiary" project, honey-growing plants were established on an area of 1 ha in Sobolewo.
Seven beehives with swarms were set up on the MONAR site, which were purchased as part of the project along with equipment.
Beekeeper's blouses, a chisel, a dehulling inn, a honey extractor and a hoover were purchased.
As part of the educational activities, workshops were organised for the charges of the MONAR Association in Sobolewo and a "bee event" called MIODOBRANIE.
Five thematic workshops were held:
1. "Life of a bee family" - an overview of the condition of the colony during the season
2. "Rules and deadlines for work in the apiary" - description of equipment, rules of the apiary, preparation of participants for independent work, timing of apiary work.
3. "Reproduction and rearing of queen bees"
4. "Honey harvesting"
5. "Closing of the season" - preparation of the apiary for winter, treatment of bees, schedule of work in winter