Rural Poland 2012

Artur Bołtromiuk
Barbara Fedyszak-Radziejowska
Iwona Nurzyńska
Izasław Frenkel
Jerzy Wilkin
Krystyna Szafraniec
Krzysztof Pankowski
Monika Stanny
Walenty Poczta

Źródło finansowania: Fundacja na rzecz Rozwoju Polskiego Rolnictwa

ISBN: 978-83-7383-572-6

Nazwa projektu: Polska Wieś - raport o stanie wsi

Data publikacji: 12.05.2012

Rok wydania: 2012

Liczba stron: 244

Rodzaj materiału: Raport o stanie wsi

Format: pdf

Our biannual reports on the development of agriculture and rural areas have made a lasting contribution to the dissemination of knowledge on complex processes taking place in Poland’s rural areas, which are essential components of Polish society, culture and economy. All the reports published to date have been interdisciplinary in character and based on the methodological approach that, in our view, is needed for understanding and describing those processes. Such a way of presenting various determinants of growth, trends, structural transformations and development effects visible in rural areas in Poland is the differentia specifica of our Report, when compared with other publications on agriculture and rural development. For us, the slogan “to understand rural areas” is a beacon in methodological and editorial terms. This is not an easy task since the subject matter that the authors of the Report deal with is extremely complicated.


Interdisciplinary of Polish countryside

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