Bat observatory combined with the development of their habitat and a comprehensive form of education

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Initiative: "Bat observatory combined with the development of their habitat and a comprehensive form of education".
Originator: The Lime Kiln Museum Association from Stronie Śląskie
Location: Stronie Śląskie, Wpiennik
Implementation date: 09/2015-05/2016

Description of the problem encountered: The Lesser Horseshoe Bat - one of the bat species - is under strict protection because it is at risk of extinction. Over the years, their numbers in the historic lime kiln in the Stronie Śląskie municipality have regularly increased. Big and perched nightjars also feed in the area, so it seems necessary to develop their habitat and observe the endangered species. There is also an unfounded view regarding the negative perception of these unique mammals. There is undoubtedly a strong need to counter such stereotypes.


Bat observatory before the initiative


  • the purchase of equipment needed to carry out animal monitoring was planned,
  • various types of nesting boxes for other bat species were hung in the adjacent deciduous forest;
  • creation of a website to better disseminate knowledge about these rare and valuable bats found at this particular site:;
  • holding practical lessons on bats in the new observatory;
  • the creation of simple structures out of planks (ecological recycling of existing planks) to create small crevices under the roofs of buildings, which will also provide a safe place for various other bat species such as: moppets, cockatiels, Brandt's nightjars and whiskered nightjars;
  • special houses for pollinating insects will be built.

Planned results: The bat observatory will have a major impact on raising environmental awareness among children, young people and adultsEducation through non-invasive and not in any way disturbing observations of bats, thanks to special cameras and monitors and a microphone allowing to listen to the sounds made by great bats is one of the bases for the protection of these rare and useful species. By implementing this initiative, it will be possible to improve the environment by increasing the numbers of rare bats, but also to change the behaviour of local communities, which will learn to protect and respect their environment.


Bat monitoring equipment

The initiative 'Bat observatory combined with the development of their habitat and a comprehensive form of education', conceived by the Wapiennik Museum Association from Stronie Śląskie, is being implemented as part of the project 'Local ecological civic initiatives - together for the environment' of the Foundation for the Development of Polish Agriculture and funded by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.


As part of the project "Observation of bats combined with development of their habitat and a comprehensive form of education", the following investment activities were carried out:

  • installed: 6 cameras, 2 monitors and a recorder,
  • the cameras were placed on two floors of the historic lime kiln to monitor large bats and small horseshoes. One of the two monitors has been installed on the ground floor of the
    one of the two monitors has been installed on the ground floor of the kiln, allowing the bats to be viewed live at night when they are most active.

A website and a profile on the social networking site facebook have been created to better disseminate knowledge about these rare and valuable mammals.


40 special bat boxes were hung in the forest adjacent to the site.

The implementation of educational classes for children and young people ( 20 lessons of 90 minutes each), for groups of about 20 people, started from September 2016 and will be completed next spring.

The educational activities about bats will be combined with live bat watching and video recording of nocturnal activity of these mammals.
During the activities, bat-shaped paper containing wild plant seeds for pollinating insects will be handmade and flowers will bloom.

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