Initiative: "Observation of chamois and other rare animals, including mammals, birds, amphibians etc. in the Śnieżnik Massif"
Originator: Association for Social Integration and Activation in Stronie Śląskie
Location: Śnieżnik Massif
Implementation date: 09/2015-05/2016
Description of the problem encountered: The chamois in Poland occurs in two places: in the Tatra Mountains and in the Śnieżnik Massif. Currently, its population in the Tatras is over 200 individuals. A count of the number of individuals of this population, i.e. the Tatra chamois, takes place every year. In the Śnieżnik Massif, on the other hand, there is a population of Sudeten chamois. This is a small population, which moved to the Śnieżnik Massif in 1972 from Jeseníky (Czech Republic) and was brought to Jeseníky in the early 20th century from the Alps. The Kierdel, or family of chamois, is a visible hierarchy, with a clearly defined role for individuals in the herd. In the Śnieżnik Massif, an annual chamois count is conducted, which shows a small population of more than 20 individuals. Such a small population is a threat to itself due to inbreeding, genetic diseases, mutations, etc. In view of the good condition of the Sudeten chamois, its further development, measures should be taken to increase the population and improve the gene pool. In order to take such measures, it is necessary to study and look at how this herd currently functions, what plants it prefers in its diet, what poses a threat to it, why the number of chamois in the Eastern Sudetes is not increasing despite the fact that there are no top predators e.g. wolf, lynx. So far, the knowledge on chamois in the Sudetes is not comprehensive, it results from sporadic, accidental observations.
- purchase of equipment for monitoring chamois and other animals in the Śnieżnik Massif
- preparation of a report
- educational activities
Results: The initiative is to observe chamois and, on occasion, other mammal and bird species. The monitoring will provide information on the relationship between animals of different species, who marks their territory, how bird penetration takes place in the area, warning of danger, animal migration, seasonality of foraging intensity, feeding preferences, etc. At the end of the project, a report on the observations will be prepared and sent to school coordinators. Monitoring in the Śnieżnik Massif (in the area of the Lądek Zdrój Forest Inspectorate), in places where the chamois can be seen, will allow information to be obtained on: the functioning of this breed in the Sudetic mountain conditions, on adaptations of the species to survive in dangerous places, will allow the question about food preferences of this species to be answered.
The initiative "Observation of chamois and other rare animals, e.g. mammals, birds, amphibians, etc. in the Śnieżnik Massif. in the Śnieżnik Massif" idea by the Association for Activation and Social Integration in Stronie Śląskie is implemented as part of the project "Local ecological civic initiatives - together for the environment" of the Foundation for the Development of Polish Agriculture and funded by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
The following equipment was purchased as part of the project:
- cameras (photocameras) - 2 pieces with recording and 3G modem,
- 32 GB SD memory card, 2 pcs,
- lenovo laptop
- a Western Digital recording drive
the equipment was mounted in Kletna, quarry No. 1, quarry slopes, rock crags, places difficult to access
From October 2015- to May 2016 observation of chamois and other animals deer, hedgehogs etc. was ongoing.
The videos and photos that were created were disseminated on the internet at ,,
The observations resulted in a report containing a description of the behaviour of chamois in the Śnieżnik Massif, a description of the habitats where they live and what food preferences they have and how they behave.
A number of educational activities were carried out as part of the project:
Between January and May 2016, classes were held in the Chamber of Ecological Education - 50 people, pupils from the Primary School in Stronie Śląskie, Primary School in Lądek Zdrtoj, Primary School in Trzebieszowice took part in the classes, during which videos and photos were presented and discussed. Workshops were held on vegetation levels in the Śnieżnik Massif, on fauna and flora.
A training session for 50 people was organised, Primary School in Stronie Śląskie - pupils from grades IV to VI, to discuss the project of monitoring chamois in the Sudetes.
An art competition entitled Goats and other rare animal species in the Śnieżnik Massif was held. Fifty works were submitted, 25 of which were awarded prizes. Prizes in the competition were book publications, nature atlases about birds, fauna and flora, nature stories by Ant Zofia, etc. A prize-giving ceremony was held on 10 May 2016 at the Centre for Education and Culture in Stronie Ślaskie, during which the artworks submitted in the competition were presented. They could be admired in an exhibition at the Centre for Education and Culture in Stronie Śląskie from May to September 2016.
On the basis of the conducted observations, a report was created on: Observation of chamois and other rare animals, including mammals, birds, amphibians, etc. in the Śnieżnik Massif in the area of the Eastern Sudetes in the Śnieżnik Massif. The area is covered by the following forms of nature protection: Natura 2000 area - the Bialskie Mountains and the Śnieżnik Group (PLH 020016), and the Śnieżnik Landscape Park, the nature reserve "Jaskinia Niedźwiedzia" - May 2016, which was disseminated by the Foundation for the Development of Polish Agriculture.
Information meetings were also held on the implementation of the project and its results. The meetings were attended by: wards of the Psychiatry Centre in Stronie Śląskie, the Penal Institution in Kłodzko, pupils of the primary school in Stronie Śląskie and the High School from Lądek Zdrój. A total of approximately 200 people participated in the meetings.
Group activities were also conducted in the field to show the tracks and traces of chamois and other animals found in the Śnieżnik Massif.