Multimedia educational game BioSmartFarm
Jacek Walczak
Katarzyna Izydorczyk
Marek Rudziński
Monika Szymańska
Tomasz Piechota
The main objective of the game we have created is to educate on how to conduct sustainable agriculture. The game tries to show how modern agriculture, even at the level of small family farms, can become sustainable, protecting biodiversity, the environment, the climate and still produce food efficiently.
The farm model adopted in the game and the direction of change, are a real reflection from practice. The team of authors has tried to reflect in the content included, not only their many years of practical professional experience, but also to take into account everything that awaits farmers in the near future and is dictated by European strategies, including the European Green Deal and the Common Agricultural Policy, as a response to the climate crisis. All this while taking into account current economic and technological realities.
The game is designed to make students aware of the phenomena taking place, new trends and perhaps even inspire change on family farms.
Źródło finansowania: Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej
Nazwa projektu: Zrównoważone rolnictwo w służbie bioróżnorodności
Data publikacji: 30.11.2021
Rok wydania: 2021
Rodzaj materiału: Gra edukacyjna
The main objective of the game we have created is to educate on how to conduct sustainable agriculture. The game tries to show how modern agriculture, even at the level of small family farms, can become sustainable, protecting biodiversity, the environment, the climate and still produce food efficiently.
The farm model adopted in the game and the direction of change, are a real reflection from practice. The team of authors has tried to reflect in the content included, not only their many years of practical professional experience, but also to take into account everything that awaits farmers in the near future and is dictated by European strategies, including the European Green Deal and the Common Agricultural Policy, as a response to the climate crisis. All this while taking into account current economic and technological realities.
The game is designed to make students aware of the phenomena taking place, new trends and perhaps even inspire change on family farms.