Initiative: "EKO ROLNIK"
Originator: Regional Union of Farmers' Circles and Agricultural Organisations in Łomża
Location: Łomża
Implementation date: 08/2015-04/2016
Description of the problem encountered: The building of the Regional Union of Farmers' Circles and Agricultural Organisations in Lomza serves as a training, cultural and social centre. It currently has old window frames that are leaky. This increases the heating charges for the building. There are draughts in the rooms. The costs of maintaining the building during the winter season are very high.

- purchase and installation of window joinery;
- a series of meetings for farmers on "Environmentally-friendly farming". "Agriculture in harmony with the environment".
Planned results: 39 windows will be replaced in the building, which will improve the environment by reducing energy consumption. In addition, the costs associated with insulating the building will be reduced and local farmers will improve their knowledge of environmental protection and agriculture.

The "EKO ROLNIK" initiative of the Regional Union of Farmers' Circles and Agricultural Organisations in Łomża was implemented as part of the project "Local ecological civic initiatives - together for the environment" of the Foundation for the Development of Polish Agriculture and funded by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
The Regional Association of Farmers' Circles and Agricultural Organisations in Lomza has replaced 39 windows in the Association's building in the period since September 2015, this has had the effect of reducing energy consumption and thus reducing fuel oil consumption. The investment has helped to create better conditions for the Association's educational and training activities.
As part of the project, seven training sessions were organised between October and December 2016, attended by a total of 98 people. The meetings were conducted by Ms Henryka Janina Mioduszewska - President of the Board and Ms Bogumiła Roszczyk-Parzych - Vice President of the Board of RZRKiOR, who are certified agri-environmental advisers and agricultural advisers.
The following issues were discussed during the meetings:
- Activities of the Foundation for the Development of Polish Agriculture in improving the environment,
- Ecological activities and impact on environmental protection,
- Principles of organic farming,
- Crop rotation on an organic farm,
- Cereal cultivation on an organic farm,
- Processing and direct sales,
- Vegetable growing and processing and organic food.
The training sessions aimed to raise public awareness on climate change adaptation and the impact of human activities on improving the environment.