Green and digital transition fund for social finance actors and microentrepreneurs

1 minuta czytania

Title: Digitalization as an opportunity to increase the efficiency of enterprises in rural areas.


Project budget: 55,550 euros


Project duration: February 2024 - April 2025


The project is implemented within the framework of the TRANSFORM TOGETHER FUND (TTF) project: Green and Digital Transformation Fund for Social Finance Entities and Microentrepreneurs implemented by Microfinance Centre (MFC) and Cerise+SPTF.


The project is funded by the European Commission under Component: Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).


The aim of the project is to test innovative communication solutions, using content marketing tools, to reach new groups of entrepreneurs and farmers in rural areas and small towns, and to promote good practices in sustainable development.


As part of the project, we plan to promote through various channels the information and education materials developed over the years on climate change and environmentally friendly measures.


As part of the nationwide information and education campaign, we plan to:

  • Outreach activities on FDPA's fanpage
  • Trainings to improve FDPA staff competencies in marketing and communications activities
  • Online trainings for farmers in energy efficiency, precision farming and soil health
  • Coaching for entrepreneurs on digital and pro-environmental solutions to improve the competitiveness of their companies
  • Stationary meetings for farmers and entrepreneurs with examples of good practices in sustainable development

Co-financed by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission is responsible for them.

Następny artykuł
Statutory activites
Ustawienia dostępności
Wysokość linii
Odległość między literami
Wyłącz animacje
Przewodnik czytania
Wyłącz obrazki
Skup się na zawartości
Większy kursor
Skróty klawiszowe (otwiera nową kartę)